Ngày đăng tin: 02/01/2020 - Ngày hết hạn: 31/12/2020
Tin tuyển dụng này đã hết hạn




1.1. Project operation

A/ Schedule compliance

- Create WBS
- Gantt chart using Ticket System
- Setting work task appropriately
- Create testcase → Create + Do Iteration Review multiple times
- Assign detailed tasks to the members of the team, confirm the completion
- Provide work instruction and set priority for work based on important points
- Grasp the status of completed tasks correctly and share to the members
- Coding is completed or not, has the unit test done or not, the result of customer review is satisfactory or not.
- Cooperate with communicators.
- Investigate the customer's plan and create a corresponding schedule, confirm, and follow it.
B/Minimize the bug
- Minimize "bugs" occurring when delivery products to clients.
- Operate the project with the mind-set: The period for the client’s check isn’t the time to find bugs but the time to ensure that the product is a perfect one.
C/Avoid the consuming of customer resources.

1.2. Training members & Motivating up for members

- Train and provide instructions of essential engineering technology for the project to members.
- Provide training to match with company's policies• Provide training for development process.
- Manage motivation of team member.
- Use the company's provided funds assigned to PM to improve the motivation for members.


•    Education & Experience
-    Bachelor degree in Information Technology.
-    At least 5 years professional web application development experience with Java or PHP
-    At least 2 years team management experience, team size is more than 3 members.
•    Hard Skills
-    Strong knowledge of Java/PHP
-    Basic knowledge of security.
-    Good research skill.
•    Soft Skills
-    Reading and writing in English fluently, Speaking fluently is plus.
-    Advanced communication skill.
-    Active attitude.
-    Contributing to team and customer.
-    Good problem-solving skill.


•    Having chances to evaluate and choose the members who get attractive company bonus every month/year, such as “Employee of the month/year”, “Thanks award”, “Team of the month/year”…
•    Salary and position is reviewed 1 time a year based on employee’s performance;
•    Getting 13th month pay every year as company rule;
•    Company trip once a year;
•    Joining party (lunch party, dinner party, year-end party, anniversary ceremony…) almost every month;
•    Free parking fee;
•    Joining in Japanese Class and clubs (Soccer, Badminton, Guitar…);
•    Annual Health Check;
•    Company’s labor policy completely pursuant to Vietnamese labor legislation (social & health insurance, annual leave, working conditions, etc.);
•    Building a stable career with dynamic promotion and job opportunities;
•    Having the chance to work with skilled foreign professionals.
•    Privileges to attend weekly Open Study sessions with company's IT experts as well as participating in presentations where engineers share knowledge of the latest technologies.

Hình thức nộp hồ sơ: Gửi CV online qua hòm mail: Hotline: (+84 24) 62598414

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