02 Full Stack Developers
Ngày đăng tin: 02/01/2020 - Ngày hết hạn: 31/12/2020
Tin tuyển dụng này đã hết hạn



Job description

BOSCH is best known as a worldwide supplier of automotive equipment and technologies. The Automotive industry has always been a sector of fast development. New gadgets and innovative technologies are driving a disruptive change that experts agree will reshape the foundations of the automotive industry as we know it.
These advances are directly related to the embedded technology found within the Automotive systems, including micro-controllers, flash memory and analog products.
If you are excited to play apart of the Automotive revolution, welcome to BOSCH! We are looking for 02 brightest Framework Developers to develop a trustworthy Automatic Verification and Validation Framework for developing automotive products for world-class EOM, eg: BMW, Daimler, Volkswagen, PSA, Renault Nissan, GM...
Within this project, you will have opportunity to learn and work with various kinds of programming languages, including: Python, C/C++, XML, Javascript, (DOS/Bash) shell script. And use those programming languages to interact & control targeted embedded systems like: Car Multimedia head-unit, Debug board, Programmable power-supply, CANoe, Götting-Coder, USB switch box, Electronic Relay board, Single-board computer (eg.: Raspberry Pi board, Banana Pi board). 
You will also have Onsite opportunity to Germany for 3-6 months as On-Job-Training trip, or short business trip to India, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Portugal, Malaysia, China… for training, supporting user with this TML framework.


  • Work in an internationally diverse environment, directly discuss & report to German Leader, plus daily discussing with engineers from India, Germany, Japan, Vietnam.
  • Develop a new XML-like language, name is: TML, which is a critical pillar of a bigger system, named TML framework, invented by a senior German Bosch engineer 6 years ago, condensed from his 20 years of experience in Software industry. You will work together with this inventor as a team.
  • The job includes: developing Library, Interface, enhancing the power, performance and usability of this language, which is currently being used by thousands of users (Developers, Tester) as a trustworthy Automatic Verification and Validation Framework for developing automotive products for world-class EOM, eg: BMW, Daimler, Volkswagen, PSA, Renault Nissan, GM...

A great Framework Developer at BOSCH can’t be defined. There is no one way to go about the work, and everyone is different. But to be successful in this role, this is the kind of profile we have in mind:


Technical Skills and Experience

  • From 4 years of experience as Software Engineer.
  • Strong experience & high passion in software developing tasks. Multi-threading, distributed-system, embedded automation application… are among our focuses.
  • „Have experience in working with embedded system for 2+ solid years.
  • „Have knowledge about OOAD, Distributed system development, Testing domain is a plus.
  • „Have experience working in Linux, Open-Source environment.


Language and Softskills

  • Good English communication skills
  • Willingness to take up responsibility & ownership
  • Self-learning & Self-motivated with a good learning curve
  • Adaptive & Flexible to challenging situations
  • Overseas working experience is an advantage
Seniority level
Mid-Senior level
Employment type
Job function
Information TechnologyEngineering
Information Technology and ServicesAutomotiveElectrical/Electronic Manufacturing.
Hình thức nộp hồ sơ: Gửi CV online qua hòm mail: tuyendung@cevn.com.vn. Hotline: (+84 24) 62598414
Số lượt đọc: 10545 -
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